$25,000 Awarded for Scholarships
A special thank you to Duke Health for a $25,000 donation to the Phil Harewood Scholarship fund. The gift was announced by Ms. Katie Galbraith, President of Duke Regional Hospital, at the September 17th on-line recognition event for Mr. Harewood’s retirement. The Phil Harewood Scholarship fund awards financial grants to children of LCHC employees who are attending a college or university. Grants are by application and made once a year. In making the gift, Ms. Galbraith said “We are honored to thank and recognize Phil for his leadership at Lincoln over his distinguished career by contributing to a program that is so important to him.” Phil Harewood, CEO, retired on September 30th after 28 years at Lincoln, the past 10 as chief executive officer. Donations to the scholarship fund can be made using the Donate button above.